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Téma: share videos ??? |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 32286
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 03. Feb 2018 7:43 Predmet: share videos ??? |
Studies show that people are more likely to share videos more than text pages. Additionally, consumers are naturally more inclined to click on a video thumbnail than on something with no visua ... |
Téma: Every healthcare marketer has? |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30622
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 03. Feb 2018 7:43 Predmet: Every healthcare marketer has? |
Every healthcare marketer has firsthand experience with the industry he or she supports, whether it's a sick relative or a child recovering from a broken arm. But not many have the story of Manny Rodr ... |
Téma: Malware is sometimes used broadly? |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30826
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 03. Feb 2018 7:37 Predmet: Malware is sometimes used broadly? |
Malware is sometimes used broadly against government or corporate websites to gather guarded information, or to disrupt their operation in general. However, malware can be used against individ ... |
Téma: accessible to authorized users only?? |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30840
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 03. Feb 2018 7:36 Predmet: accessible to authorized users only?? |
My topic is [url=]Web Hosting Service Video. Good for family websites, sharing photographs and important family even ... |
Téma: Best PvE skill build for low-level knight? |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 31020
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 12. Dec 2017 6:11 Predmet: Best PvE skill build for low-level knight? |
I really want to switch over but there is like a 30K power score difference between my knight and archer. Really need help deciding which skills are best for farming, tours, and events becau ... |
Téma: Purchased Items haven't gotten |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30974
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 12. Dec 2017 6:09 Predmet: Purchased Items haven't gotten |
The title doesn't sound right does it? I agree. But last night I swapped over cards I use to buy items. I brought the level pack (with all the potions + rubies) 3 times, well tried to but I hav ... |
Téma: Power and Damage Levels |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30678
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 12. Dec 2017 6:08 Predmet: Power and Damage Levels |
I'm a Level 57 knight, and my power level is only 1,548, and my damage is 418. I feel weak, really weak. I do have Legendary Armor but i need help on what i should do to improve both. People ke ... |
Téma: UW grinding, whose should I grind? |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30779
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 12. Dec 2017 6:07 Predmet: UW grinding, whose should I grind? |
So... I just opened 3 Random UW Tickets and pulled one Reina UW and 2 Clause UWs. Being one of the least UW reliant heroes, I’m wondering if I should equip Clause with his 1* UW. Do I really ... |
Téma: That One Game in Squad Battles |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30589
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 09. Dec 2017 13:13 Predmet: That One Game in Squad Battles |
So guys playing SBs on legendary. 90% of the times I win 3 games. Regardless of the opponent’s chem and rating it seems like AI is programmed to beat me atleast in 1 game, it is like mini s ... |
Téma: Standard Console Button Remapping |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 31501
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 09. Dec 2017 13:12 Predmet: Standard Console Button Remapping |
Why doesn't every console have a standard button re-mapping function built into the OS? That way, every game that wants to remap controls doesn't have to implement it themselves, and EVERY g ... |
Téma: How to maximize your pack luck? |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 31307
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 09. Dec 2017 13:12 Predmet: How to maximize your pack luck? |
Might be a dumb question but has anyone noticed any kind of pattern? Like opening packs as soon as theyre available, the order you open them?
Today we're getting our FUT Champs monthly a ... |
Téma: A positive thread about what you're currently playing |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 31598
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 09. Dec 2017 13:11 Predmet: A positive thread about what you're currently playing |
The idea of the thread is simple. I wanted to have a place where we express what we enjoy about the games we're playing atm. I make a lot of threads (way more than I probably should) and the ... |
Téma: Toxic Players Increasing In New Season |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30964
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 08. Dec 2017 11:17 Predmet: Toxic Players Increasing In New Season |
Hi all,
So since the new season was released I have found nothing but continuous team killing. For the last two days about 70% of my matches have begun with my team being massacred by a random for ... |
Téma: Best looking guild websites |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30954
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 08. Dec 2017 11:16 Predmet: Best looking guild websites |
In a slow preparation for upcoming expansion I am thinking about revamping our guild's website. I was wondering if you could recommend any good looking guild pages - either your own or the o ... |
Téma: Looking for clarification on intel drops in raids |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 31132
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 08. Dec 2017 11:15 Predmet: Looking for clarification on intel drops in raids |
The patch notes said that intel now drops off of "ANY Looking For Raid boss kill!" Does this mean if you form an actual raid on your own, like if you are in a guild, that you do not g ... |
Téma: Horde DESERVES these new races |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30828
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 08. Dec 2017 11:15 Predmet: Horde DESERVES these new races |
Hi all,
Alliance whining got Baine cut out of the Highmountain questline despite the fact that Horde still had put up with Malfurion Tyrande and Velen.
Getting Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne ... |
Téma: Disappearing castbars |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 31016
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 07. Dec 2017 9:30 Predmet: Disappearing castbars |
Hello there!
It was rare bug, when casbar disappears. After Last patch half of casts disappearing, and not only my casts, casts from bosses. Yesterday i was in EC SM via GF and on mine field and ha ... |
Téma: Imagine an optional QTE dgn |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30743
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 07. Dec 2017 9:29 Predmet: Imagine an optional QTE dgn |
Hi all,
Let's pretend for a moment SE has the time and resources for this idea, which btw came to me while I was listening to the Cruise Chaser theme from Alexander raid (which lead to remembering ... |
Téma: Stellar Trigger Required for New Upgrades |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 31130
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 07. Dec 2017 9:28 Predmet: Stellar Trigger Required for New Upgrades |
This was a very weird choice on Trion's part... I'll put my hands up and clearly state I'm one of those P2W guys. I work long hours, and therefore don't get a huge amount of time to play except ... |
Téma: Would I Be Happier on RP Server? |
Odpovede: 0
Prezreté: 30857
Fórum: Dianie v Moštenci Zaslal: 07. Dec 2017 9:28 Predmet: Would I Be Happier on RP Server? |
I’ve been really unhappy with the guilds I’ve belonged to in recent years. None of them have any girls. None of them care about lore, transmog, mounts, or pets. There’s a lot of joking about ... |