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A positive thread about what you're currently playing

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Autor Správa

Bydlisko: Newyork

PríspevokZaslal: 09. Dec 2017 13:11    Predmet: A positive thread about what you're currently playing Odpovedať s citátom


The idea of the thread is simple. I wanted to have a place where we express what we enjoy about the games we're playing atm. I make a lot of threads (way more than I probably should) and they usually come from a place of criticism. Of course there is nothing wrong with that but I thought it'd be great to come at it from the opposite angle. Anyway, I'll go first:

Just recently started playing The Witcher 3 and what immediately struck me was the score. It's not something I really noticed or remember about W2 but the music in W3 is very dramatic and moving, at times haunting even. It really sets the mood and gives the adventure a tone I kinda expected, yet very much wanted. Also, the way the winds and fog play with the wilderness during what seems like a near constant state of magic hour makes the exteriors so atmospheric . Lastly, I'm very glad I played W2 last year because it made this game very easy to hit the ground running for me.

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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