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What tank should I put my female crew into?

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Bydlisko: Newyork

PríspevokZaslal: 02. Dec 2017 12:47    Predmet: What tank should I put my female crew into? Odpovedať s citátom


I currently have 6 female crew, 5 being from the campaign and one being some random gift. I'm currently on the WZ line, at the 131, only 20k or so exp from the wz 132. I'm also at the Pershing, with only 70k exp from the Patton, and on the t32 which i have no desire to grind as of now. I currently have the type 64 as a trainer tank, a revioli as a credit/fun tank, the amx 13 57f as a fun/future trainer tank (as i'm hoping to go to the amx line) and a jgtig 8,8 which I don't particularly like that much.


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