Bydlisko: Newyork
Zaslal: 12. Dec 2017 6:07 Predmet: UW grinding, whose should I grind? |
So... I just opened 3 Random UW Tickets and pulled one Reina UW and 2 Clause UWs. Being one of the least UW reliant heroes, I’m wondering if I should equip Clause with his 1* UW. Do I really need it? Or should I just grind both of them to get 500 UW shards? Maybe I’ll grind Reina’s as well since I don’t plan on ever using her her at all.
I also have a 1 Yanne UW in my inventory. Not sure I wanna use her since she’s so niche and can’t really be used in so many places...
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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